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Hypo Peruvian Rainbow
Hypo? Columbian Rainbow
Hypo Brazillian Rainbow
Care sheets, tid bits, color morph information.
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Welcome to Tony Basica's Weirdsnakes
Specializing in numerous species of Rainbow Boas as well as many color and pattern morphs of different Rainbow species. |
Species of Rainbow Boas I'm currently working with
Brazillian Rainbow Boas - Hypomelanistic - Anerythristic - Calico
- Hypermelanistic **NEW**
- Highlighted**NEW**
Peruvian Rainbow Boas - Hypomelanistic
Columbian Rainbow Boas - Hypo/Patternless
Guyana Rainbow Boas
Just Rainbow Boas Forum !!Rainbow Boa stuff you've just GOT TO HAVE !!!!
Additional species I'm working with
Columbian Red-Tail Boas - Sssssstriped - Super Pastel - Albino
Central American Red-Tail Boas
- TypeII Anery/Hypermelanistic ?